The Reason I Removed Gutter Cleaning From My Pressure Washing Business

Around the second week of October we booked a pressure washing job on the east side of Atlanta, GA. The customer was a very nice person and was very easy to deal with.

This customer requested pressure washing and gutter cleaning services to be performed at the home. I gave the customer a quote and they agreed to the price.

I always perform the gutter cleaning service first if I am doing a house wash and gutter cleaning....for obvious reasons. I arrived at the home and got started.

The pictures you see here is what I encountered when I started cleaning these gutters! IT WAS BAAAADDDD! There was so much dirt, leaves and anything else you can think of in these gutters!

Gutter Cleaning is Not Easy Work

Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Gutter Cleaning Gross Job

These gutters were infested with ROACHES!!

You read that right! The day I went to do this pressure washing job, it had just finished raining. All of the dirt, grass, weeds, seeds, etc. had turned into a mush soup. Thank God I had my gutter scoop to help out with this. Every time I stuck my hand in the gutter, there were roaches and worms coming out. It was really bad!

The gutters were so full of trash that I am surprised they stayed attached to the house. Those gutters were installed very well!

Not Your Average Gutter Job

This gutter job took me almost three hours alone!

I know what you are thinking...."Why didn't you just blow the gutters out with a leaf blower?"

Well let me tell you, the most powerful leaf blower on earth would not have blown these gutters out, that's how full they were! The leaves were the least of my problems with this job. I literally had to scoop every square inch of those gutters by hand! This gutter cleaning took me so long that I almost forgot to take the after pictures.

The Real Reason I Stopped Cleaning Gutters!

I stopped cleaning gutters because frankly, it's a very risky job. The possibility of getting seriously hurt while cleaning gutters is pretty high. The customer does not take into account that you are literally risking your life when you clean their gutters. In the Atlanta, GA area, there are so many people offering gutter cleaning services that many people are not willing to pay a premium to have the service performed. The customer wants the work done for as cheap as possible, I am not willing to risk my life for $100 or $200! It really doesn't make sense to me and that is the main reason I stopped cleaning gutters. I just don't think the rewards outweigh the risks.

Quite a few of my pressure washing jobs were requested with gutter cleaning as an add on service. What I came to realize is that I spent 70% of my time on those jobs cleaning the gutters and the gutters generated the smallest portion of income. It boiled down to basic math.

House wash - $425 - 1-2 hours (depending on size)

Gutter Cleaning - $150 - 3 hours (Depending on size)

You tell me what makes more sense!

Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area
Pressure washing service in the Atlanta, GA area

October Pressure Washing Service in Atlanta. The Reason I Removed Gutter Cleaning From My Pressure Washing Business.

I removed gutter cleaning services from my pressure washing business. Find out why!


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